Monday 29 June 2015

Man and Woman

Man n woman
What a relationship
So truly dynamic
Their chemistry
Their togetherness
Or differences e'en

Two energy fields
Getting attracted
Pouring a sea of love
Into each other
Their intent clearly
To merge together

What a delight it is
When they come alive 
In the loving moments
Evolving together
While  understanding
Neither's less or more

Nary being dependent
On the other
That doesn't mean
You're independent either
The beauty is when
You're interdependent

This partnering my dear 
Is truly an ongoing
Work in progress
Life lessons to be learnt
At times challenging
Demanding too

Do they e'en know
They're but two pieces
Of a jigsaw puzzle
Struggling so often
To find their niche
To fit in together

And if however
Alas! For some reason
They don't succeed
Why're they being judged
Does anyone e'en know
What happened
Who gave us the right
To sit in judgment
Where’s our sensitivity
Our love n compassion
They've just but failed
To find their niche

How does that make
Either of them
A lesser being
Or not capable e'en
They're simply not
Fitting in together

Why can’t we but see
The pain they're going thru
Aren't they already
Fighting the odds
Whatever the reasons
Tis challenging for sure

They're struggling to accept
It's happened to them
Wondering how come
E'en one piece missing
Could leave the merger
Futile n incomplete

Be a silent observer
Allowing them the grace
To e'en part gracefully
If they so choose
Just be there for them
Till they are healed

Man n woman
What a relationship
So truly dynamic
Their chemistry
Their togetherness
Or differences e'en

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